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Our Services

set targets - follow your strategy - deliver results


© Peter Kupferschmied

"No wind is favourable to one who does not know where he wants to sail to“(Michel de Montaigne,1533-1592)


© Peter Kupferschmied

"You have to set your sails in the endless wind - only then will we feel what kind of sailing we are capable of "(Alfred Delp 1907 – 1945, deutscher Widerstandskämpfer)



Coaching for entrepreneurs in start-ups and SMEs:

  • develop strategies together

  • Secure financing

  • develop go to market

  • find sustainable business models

  • Concepts

  • Project Management

  • Product Management

  • Pricing

  • Strategy development

  • Business planning

  • Funding

  • Pitching

  • Business models

© 2020 Brand, Gallusser & Partner AG

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